Published by the AARP in May 2004

This free 136-page e-book is a continuation of the 1998 research project baby boomers envisions their retirement. The research initiative endeavors to understand the beliefs and actions of the baby boom generation.

How Baby Boomers Envision Their Retirement
Baby Boomers Envision Retirement II: Survey of Baby Boomers’ Expectations for Retirement

This updated study focuses on how Baby Boomers have been impacted by shrinking 401(k) plans, the weakening economy, and the stability of the Medicare and Social Security programs.

The study also examines concrete steps this generation has taken within the previous five years to plan and prepare for retirement.

Although some of the statistics are outdated, much of the information and resources still provide sound advice.

Article Source: 5 Best Books on Baby Boomers and Retirement.

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