Dental crowns, also known as “caps,” preserve the functionality of damaged teeth

These caps are made from material that is “custom-designed” and are used to cover a tooth that is damaged, cracked or decayed. It also can be usedt o replace a pre-existing dental crown.

Dental Crowns Basics

The purpose of dental crowns is to encase a needy tooth with a custom-designed material.

Today, dental professionals have a variety of treatment options to restore a tooth teeth that ought to be discussed and considered before selecting the full coverage crown. If a dental crown is the treatment of choice, then a dentist will have additional options for treatment plans, anesthesia or sedation, and temporary dental crowns.

During the dental crown procedure, a molded impression is made and sent to a laboratory.

In the meantime, a temporary crown is crafted to protect the tooth until the permanent crown is made and ready to be adhered during another visit.

To learn more about recent technology, crown materials, maintenance and foods to avoid, click here.

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