We have all been there

You dropped some food on the floor and you still want to eat it but maybe someone yelled “5-second rule”. This “rule” says that food is alright to eat if it has been on the floor for five seconds or less.

Well, believe it or not, but scientists have tested the 5-second rule and it is not true. Bacteria attaches itself to food, despite the speed at which you pick it up. Is this enough bacteria to make you sick?

Maybe so it’s always a good idea to throw away the food from the floor just to be safe. Here are a few things that you need to know about the 5-second rule:

1. Even if a floor looks clean, it isn’t necessarily bacteria-free. Some germs can survive on the floor for a long time and without a high powered microscope, you won’t be able to see how many there are.

2. Even if you move “at the speed of light”, the instant food hits the floor, the instant it is contaminated if the conditions are right. For instance, if a piece of apple falls on the floor, the wet surface will pick up bacteria more easily.

3. A good rule of thumb is “when in doubt, toss it out”.

4. Some bacteria are not harmful but others can give you diarrhea and other uncomfortable illnesses.

To read more, click here.

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