Compounds in Cooked and Processed Foods

The genotoxic and carcinogenic potential of these food toxicants has been evaluated regularly by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which has come to the conclusion that several of these food-borne toxicants present in foods are possibly or probably carcinogenic to humans, based on both high-dose, long-term animal studies and in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests.

Compounds in Cooked and Processed Foods that Can Cause Cancer

TRANS FATTY ACIDS: Imitation fats in shortenings, margarine, and most commercial baked goods and snack foods. Strongly associated with cancer of the lungs and reproductive organs.

RANCID FATS: Industrial processing creates rancidity (free radicals) in commercial vegetable oils.

OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS: Although needed in small amounts, an excess can contribute to cancer. Dangerously high levels of omega-6 fatty acids are due to the overuse of vegetable oils in modern diets.

MSG: Associated with brain cancer. Found in almost all processed foods, even when “MSG” does not appear on the label. Flavorings, spice mixes, and hydrolyzed protein contain MSG.

ASPARTAME: Imitation sweetener in diet foods and beverages. Associated with brain cancer.

PESTICIDES: Associated with many types of cancer. Found in most commercial vegetable oils, fruit juices, vegetables, and fruits.

HORMONES: Found in animals raised in confinement on soy and grains. Plant-based hormones are plentiful in soy foods.

ARTIFICIAL FLAVORINGS AND COLORS: Associated with various types of cancers, especially when consumed in large amounts in a diet of junk food.

REFINED CARBOHYDRATES: Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and white flour are devoid of nutrients.

The body uses up nutrients from other foods to process refined carbohydrates. Tumor growth is associated with sugar consumption.

Processed Foods that Can Cause Cancer

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