What is Health Information Technology?

With online technology, we can access just about everything, from shopping to travel and from dating to banking, we have the world at our fingertips. So what is health information technology and why is it that health information technology seems to be in the dark ages?

To date, certain public and private hospitals and care facilities are electronically linked. Health care professionals are able to draw upon medical history records and resources within their network, thus eliminating the risk of human error. However, health information technology does not incorporate all care facilities or typically a complete to date personal health record.

What is Health Information Technology?

Health IT is a network system that incorporates complex patient health records, medication, images, diagnostic procedures, and post-treatment care. If used properly, hospitals, doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and labs can share gathered information electronically, thus improving patient care across the globe. IT can affect administrative and clinical systems for the overall improvement of the health care community. IT unites doctors, hospitals, clinics, labs, pharmacies, and patients on the same network. When incorporated into a health care system, millions of records can be uploaded, making access speedy and user-friendly. A unified system would help medical professionals care for their patients in a more well-rounded way.

The Benefits of IT for the Patient

Health information technology systems can assist patients with the click of a button. Below are just some of the patient benefits of electronic information:

  • Less time in the doctor’s office
  • Prescription drug instructions and notifications (less overdosing, adverse drug effects, and dosage errors)
  • Patients can use various doctors without a disruption in diagnostics and treatment
  • Increased communication with health care providers
  • Patients with chronic disease can be monitored from home
  • Patient follow up and feedback from multiple providers
  • Access to personal medical records from any location in the U.S.

The Benefits of IT for the Health Care Community

The medical sector, whether private or public, can benefit from merging its efforts electronically. Some of the benefits include the following:

  • Less time spent finding out medical histories and more time spent treating patients
  • Online research studies available
  • Fewer administrative errors
  • Less paperwork
  • Efficient billing, payroll, and accounting systems
  • Patient registration
  • Electronic drug and laboratory orders
  • Archiving for X-rays, MRI, and scanned images
  • Electronic lab and test results
  • Diagnostic information from crowdsourcing
  • Patient monitoring
  • A vast array of electronics and wireless networks
  • Bar-coding capabilities (matching patients with medication, registration, and medical procedures)
  • Inventory management
  • Security structures
  • Scheduling and tracking (procedures, referrals discharges, and transfers)

Where Health Information Technology Stands Today

Many facility administrators and caregivers have championed the need for health information technology. They have advocated for incentives such as financial and administrative. Yet, relatively few have actually implemented the technology. Some facilities are concerned about the cost and return on investment. In addition, if they implement such a practice, they will have to train their staff (doctors, nurses, assistants, and other employees) to use the new technology.

The program will likely be complex, varying the record-keeping procedures and work culture, provided it is stable for the long-term. If they are already using an IT system, then the question of compatibility and ever-changing technology comes to mind. Finally, some are concerned about the patient’s privacy, therefore it must be secure with proper security protocol.

What is Health Information Technology?

Health Solutions Technology is an IT that delivers information communication within a highly secure real-time environment in the cloud. It optimizes a Global Health Care Network by offering connectivity with information from the consumer, provider, and support teams.

How Health Solutions Technology Powers a Global Health Care Network
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