The first-ever Scorecard just released  in 2012 on Local Health System Performance

This provides U.S. communities with comparative data to assess the performance of their healthcare systems, establish priorities for improvement, and set achievement targets. It tracks 43 indicators spanning four dimensions of health system performance: access, prevention and treatment, costs and potentially avoidable hospital use, and healthcare outcomes.

Score Card US Health System

The findings, the scorecard,  shows clearly that where you live has a lot to do with health care access and healthcare experiences.

Comparing all 306 local healthcare areas, known as hospital referral regions, in the United States, the report finds that access, quality, costs, and health outcomes all vary significantly from one local community to another, often with a two – to threefold variation in key indicators between leading and lagging communities.

Community Healthcare Data Initiative Launched In 2010

The top-performing areas are concentrated in the Upper Midwest and Northeast.

Yet, many opportunities exist for the health system improvement in almost all communities.

Score Card Details provided by The Commonwealth Fund
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